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All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual portrayal of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time the visual image was created.
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De sexy n' sultry Anna D. Caans |
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 |
I be havin' ta admit dat Anna D. Caans be one heffer dat I be wantin' ta bang one million different ways. But I be a bit bias in dat respect, seein' as how Anna n' me Mrs. back home could be twins. So really I guess dat jus be me missin' Mrs. Booty's booty... so to speak... har, har, har!
Jus imagine, me mate, how nice it'd be ta bend Anna's nice milky ass over, n' grab doze soft hips, n' slide inside h'er sweet pussy, din start bangin' dat plump ass in every way ye can think of. N' after ye has fucked h'er 'til h'er tight tiny l'il pussy be all gushy wet, flip h'er over un h'er back, lean over h'er, n' start jigglin' n' squeezin' doze big funkin' tits o' h'ers. Rub doze giant boobs o' h'ers like ye be tryin' ta make a genie appear. N' din give doze juggs de creamin' o' a lifetime!
Now h'ere be 3 galleries ta assist in continuin' de phantasy.

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posted by Kaptain Booty @ 18:31  |
Alexandra Moore 36H of |
Monday, February 26, 2007 |
Avast ye landlubbers! I was sailin’ de net n' came 'cross a new find. A lovely young lass by de name o’ Alexandra Moore is of whom I be speakin’. Ye can spot h'er at She be sportin' a luscious 36H-26-37 figure. Oy! Wit measurements like dat n' beauty ta boot, I wouldn’t mind havin’ de opportunity ta take dis lass down ta de kaptain’s quarters fer a bit o' a sample. Let me tell ye ‘bout h'er a bit though. She be 5’10” o’ de finest Italian woman ye could possibly be lookin’ fer. She without question be havin’ de body of a goddess, wit a purty face, n' breasts ta KILL fer. N' I be meanin' dat! So dun’t test me matey! Alexandra claims ta be a bit o’ a beach bum, claimin’ ta h'ave spent half h'er life in a bikini. Now dat be one beach I wouldn’t mind bein’ shipwrecked un.
She professes ta bein’ quite de exhibitionist as well. Lovin' ta showoff h'er big boobs, nice ass, long legs, n' jus overall sexy body at exotic locations. Wouldn’t ye think it nice if she’d be wantin’ ta travel longside ye fer some real adventure? Jus imagine de fun ye would h'ave! Jus me thinkin’ ‘bout her has me steerin’ off course! A lovely lass indeed. Take a look o’ sweet Alexandra in dis gallery o' pix!
I hate ta h'ave ta be endin’ dis post. Such a beautiful site h’ere Alexandra is. Alas, I must be off. Off ta find more lovelies fer us all ta admire. But mark me words..... “I be comin' back h’ere fer sure!!”
Until next time mates.

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posted by Kaptain Booty @ 16:26  |